Silvia de LeonardisNovember 11, 2022

On the Line - An interview with Silvia de Leonardis
...I tried to make Caroline as human as possible, so it is not easy to say who is the bad and who is the good one. The world doesn´t work this way. And dividing people into good or bad makes us isolated or privileged – both not good for our souls and both not good for a loving and caring community.

Interview by Dreamz Catcher International Filmfestival

NovemberSilvia de Leonardis 11, 2022

Review On the Line by Dreamz Catcher International Filmfestival
...This movie talks about some serious issues in such a simple way, that the audience will be blown away by it. I must say to our audience to take a look at Silvia de Leonardis’s “On the Line” to get great lessons about life... Silvia herself played the role of Caroline, where she did a fantastic job, she expresses the pain of a wife and the fear of a mother through her intense acting. 

Review by Dreamz Catcher International Filmfestival

Silvia de LeonardisMarch 16, 2020

Cult Critic - The film magazine Film Review On the Line
Silvia de Leonardis could successfully touch the hearts of people with her film and in the coming years she may entertain all the audiences with more emotional and challenging films... Surely a must watch film.

Cult Critic

Silvia de LeonardisJanuary 13, 2020

An interview with Silvia De Leonardis | On The Line | VMA20 BEST ACTRESS
This path of perseverance and sacrifices is the one undertaken years ago by Silvia de Leonardis, a talented German-Italian actress, and producer, currently engaged in her career as an actress in the United States, in her tireless search for artistic and personal growth. The same path that made her decide to make an entire short film by herself, by taking care of directing, producing, writing, editing, casting actors, and acting.

Vegas Movie Awards

Silvia de LeonardisDecember 28, 2019

Prisma An Interview with Silvia de Leonardis
One of the most interesting and exciting aspects of your film is certainly acting. In such a powerful drama, how do you manage to bring an actor into these deep emotions? - was easy to guide my actors through this process. You simply need to know what they die for and some other things and you can lead them with imagination. In a time where acting has often become second-rate, I want to set a mark for how beautiful this craft is and also how powerful it is...

Prisma Rome Independent Film Awards

Silvia de LeonardisDecember 24, 2019

Prisma Film Review
Silvia de Leonardis’ new film explores the deep emotional connections between a mother and her son. The grace and simplicity that distinguish this beautiful film are the most evident result of a complex and refined stylistic work... In this direction, De Leonardis creates a cinema worthy of the name, capable of combining entertainment with a deeper meaning, which reaches the height of poetry.

Prisma Rome Independent Film Awards

Silvia de LeonardisDecember 8, 2019

Cult Critic - The film magazine
Silvia de Leonardis´ Short Film “ON THE LINE” is an award-winning 23-minute revelation on a culture’s and social attitude towards common human life. This short film was also different from the others – it had more story concerning the characters. This film serves a great message, which the audience can relate to.

Cult Critic

Silvia de LeonardisSeptember 3, 2018

"How I went to Amerika"
An interview by H. A. Schmidt
An interview with the Munich actress Silvia de Leonardis, known from the series Munich 7, Tatort, Die Rosenheim-Cops and the feature film
Großglocknerliebe, about her first steps over the big pond.


Silvia de LeonardisJune 30, 2016

"All feelings live"
An interview by Diemuth Schmidt
An interview with the Munich actress Silvia de Leonardis on roles with wit, emotion on the set and the training of young.


Silvia de LeonardisJune 21, 2016

"Using this new technique is divine"
An interview by Edda Goernert
Today I meet the actress Silvia de Leonardis, who was born in Munich and who is well-known from the TV series Die Rosenheim-Cops, SOKO 5113, Tatort und München 7 to talk with her about acting and her current shortfilm.


Silvia de LeonardisMarch 9, 2015

"Hollywood comes to Munich"
Alex Taylor, who is today running the acting school of legendary Sandford Meisner in Burbank, California comes to Munich to work with european actors and actresses. Silvia de Leonardis is organising this workshop and assists her teacher, mentor and dear friend with whom she starts working in 2014.


Silvia de Leonardis

July 23, 2013

"An actress with an edge"
Sylke Gandzior in conversation with Silvia de Leonardis
Exactly 10 years ago a great article was published in “WELT am SONNTAG” about the actress, director and coach Silvia de Leonardis under the slogan „Fit for every Role”. In view of this occasion I decided to conduct an interview with Mrs. de Leonardis and enquire about how things have been going the past few years. - - openpr

Silvia de Leonardis

March 8, 2006

"Lotta in love"
Great help: Janins personal drama-coach giving her tips about facial expression and gestures. Director Peter Zimmermann, drama-coach Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) und Janin anxiously await the rating. Janin doesn´t sound convincingly enough and Silvia has no mercy. So not until after almost fifty repetitions is the coach satisfied - and Janins nerves are quite a little frayed.

TV aktuell - Stars - Bravo TV News

Silvia de Leonardis

November 6, 2003

"Dostojewskij Trip"
In the official year of the Russian-German Culture Congress November 2003 the arts centre "Pasinger Fabrik Munich" organized a festival in which contemporary Russian culture was represented. All genres of the Russian culture were represented and since Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) has inherited Russian blood from her mother´s side no one had to ask her twice.

in München

Silvia de Leonardis

July 20, 2003

"Fit for every Role"
Talent in front of and behind the camera. If she isn´t acting herself, Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) is working with other actresses and actors to put the finishing touches on their technique. More and more actresses and actors do no longer only trust their talents: They go to the native of Munich Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) to be prepared for their roles - word by word, step by step. By Verena Richter


Silvia de Leonardis


"Bobby, Herr Bredi und Mister Herr Bendel"
published by PIPER Verlag GmbH, ISBN-3-492-04475-1
BOBBYS FILM... with Edgar, the slayer (S. 187-195)

...One evening, when Silvia, her boyfriend and Bobby were at Mc Donald´s, Bobby was asking her boyfriend, if he wants to marry Silvia. He answered that they haven´t considered it yet. "If he doesn´t marry you, then I can marry you!" suggested Bobby consequently...

Silvia de Leonardis


"Gretchen 89 ff"
Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) has produced and directed the play "Gretchen 89 ff" by Lutz Huebner as her first production and played every evening in a sold-out house. At "Gretchen 89 ff" neurotics, divas, egocentrics and other incompatible characters are interacting "tongue-in-cheek" with one another in nine short rehearsal scenes. While learning their lines of the masterpiece they struggle for the pleasure of the audience.

in München

Silvia de Leonardis

March 23, 2002

"Bobby Brederlow celebrated as a painter"
Star appearance at the Herzogpark: TV series actor Bobby Brederlow and his colleague Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) enjoyed the success of his vernissage. Half of the sales revenue was given to "Herzogenauracher Lebenshilfe".

AZ Nürnberg

Silvia de Leonardis

March 2, 2002

"Bobby courages all"
Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) has taken Bobby deeply into her heart. She is not only an actress, but also a drama-coach. Silvia has rehearsed the roles with him and has rewritten scripts for him. She was always standing next to the camera und supervising his actions.

Nordbayerische Nachrichten

Silvia de Leonardis

July 7, 1999

"A Glass of Water"
The real winners of the intrigues play are: Masham and Abigail. He, Detlef Trippel, breaks through all obstacles with a strictly soldier-like behavior, like a "Hans in luck". She, Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith), is fighting for her luck with an open mind and cheerful temperament against all the courtly feints.
by Gerhard Hellwig

Südkurier - Konstanzer Anzeiger

Silvia de Leonardis

April 20, 1998

"How theatre goes"
Three women, for whom comic seems to be trailor-made for: Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith), Ute Fuchs and Bettina Kuhn in the play "Gretchen 89 ff" at the "Theater an der Grenze". The normal theatre madness to the delight of everyone.
by Brigitte Elsner-Heller


Silvia de Leonardis

December 7, 1999

"Rumpelstiltskin" and Michael Endes "The Night of Wishes"
Good advice is always expensive! Rumpelstiltskin (Illon Astrid Hauck, left) is offering help to the desperate miller´s daughter to spin straw into gold (Silvia de Leonardis - former Raith). One scene from the play at the Parktheater of the Bliesgau-Festhalle.

Saarbrücker Zeitung

Silvia de Leonardis

April 25, 1997

"Cinderella is a beast"
A journalist invades into Cinderella´s palace. Both charming stepsisters are telling him that Cinderella played by Silvia de Leonardis (former Raith) is a pretty sneaky beast. With the talent that she showed every one instantly believed it.
by Suse Haase

Konstanzer Südkurier